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My works are the mirror of my soul: curious, iridescent, contradictory. The more people try to frame and define me, the more I feel the need to upset them.



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From an early age they began to call me "artist"; I still don't have a clear idea of what Art is (and what it isn't).
The only thing I know is that I have the exact same desire to express myself that I had as a child.

I grew up in a small town in Sicily, between football kicks and cycling around the countryside.
Yet I felt I had something more inside: an insatiable impulse to express my creativity; as well as a natural propensity for drawing; so I started to invent: a myriad of stories, characters, landscapes printed on sheets and notebooks scattered throughout the house.
Then the architectural studies, graphics, satirical cartoons, the first experiments. The transition from figurative to abstract, and again a spasmodic desire for research: photography, writing, music.
My life experiences: Madrid, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan. And travel.
As a Millennial I experienced the transition from analog to digital, using new technologies as an expressive means to tell the contemporary world. My dream is to help make the world of art less elitist and more accessible. To ensure that my work reaches every corner of the planet. Continue to travel ..
And return to Sicily. In the countryside.

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Digital has given art a great opportunity: to make it more democratic. Imagine works like the Monnalisa exhibited in the Louvre and at the same time in the prime minister's villa, the worker's apartment and the student's studio; and none of these can be said to be more original than the other.




You can find me around the Isola district, in Milan ...

..but you can also call me or send me an email!

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